Oh to wonder what might have been!

Today Levi would have started his senior year at Valley High School.  I wonder… Would he still be pursuing his interest in Marine Biology? Where would his talents on the violin and piano have taken him? How many nights would he have spent watching the moon and stars with his telescope? What I don’t wonderContinue reading “Oh to wonder what might have been!”

Fun being a storyteller! And.. my mom.. my role model!!

My mother’s philosophy about life was what I called her “l f t’s.”  It was her “look forward to’s.”  It didn’t have to be something big…usually something quite simple and ordinary..like when she was confined to a wheelchair it might be to take a ride in my car and stop at McDonald’s for a burgerContinue reading “Fun being a storyteller! And.. my mom.. my role model!!”

Work shopping my story!

I have been meeting with Courtney Crowder, Des Moines Register reporter, and she has been work shopping my story.   She has been asking “just the right questions” and “making so many helpful comments”” which  have  helped me improve and hone my story telling skills. Basics  as a story teller  I am  to consider: 8-10 minutes of narrative. AContinue reading “Work shopping my story!”

Isn’t life just one big story?

I have been invited by Courtney Cowder, a feature reporter   at the Des Moines Register,  to share my “growing up in  Iowa experience ” at the Iowa State Fair.  Several  Iowans will be sharing their stories at the Mid American building on August 20th. It has been a fun learning experience for me as Courtney hasContinue reading “Isn’t life just one big story?”