Will the “real JoyceKnock” please stand up?

TODAY I rewrote the information in my “blogger info.”  I will share it again here as it redefines who I am at this time in my life:

Joyce Knock – Retired educator & sometimes tired “newbie author”, community volunteer, duplicate bridge & tennis player, grandmother ?, flower gardener, neighbor, wife, mother, “amateur poet”, friend and a  “recovering griever!”

When I started this blog my focus seemed to be about being a “newbie author” and the book that I had written & recently published.  As time went by over the last 1-1/2 years+ I begin to realize that I had changed [for better or worse] and I needed to give it new direction.  September 21, 2014 forever changed my life and me with it….and it has been at times a  painful period of the acceptance of loss and struggles with new beginnings.

With that being said I start “my blogging” a new.  At times it may be  “all over the place”….maybe a reflection of who I am some days.  I encourage you, the reader, to make comments or whatever else you want to share.

As a sign off I have a question for you.  Levi was my only grandchild and I will NEVER have  other grandchildren.  If I were to loss my husband I would be a widow….is there a name for a woman who has lost her only grandchild?  P.S. I just loved it when he called me “gram.”  ###

Published by Joyce Knock

Retired educator & sometimes tired "newbie author", community volunteer, duplicate bridge & tennis player, grandmother, flower gardener, wife, mother, "amateur poet", friend and a "recovering griever!"

2 thoughts on “Will the “real JoyceKnock” please stand up?

  1. Joyce, I can hear in my memories, Levi speaking about you or to you. “Gram.” You, Joyce, are the only Gram I know. You are such a strong survivor of such a loss…and there is no name in our language for such anguish. I wonder if there isn’t one in any language.


  2. Joyce, no one should have to go through the tragedy you have experienced. Even though you grieve you have chosen to do something extraordinary with your anguish. You support his memory every day with your words and actions. I believe Levi knows and is very proud of his gram. I’m proud of you too! You are an inspiration and you have taken a horrible and life shattering thing and turned it into something that benefits so many kids. Bless you, my friend. Keep it going. The world’s children need you.


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