How is our journey going?

img_2007Most would say I am nearing the end of my journey and technically they are correct.  However as I am approaching my eighth decade of life I prefer to focus on where I am going and not on where I have been.  I use my ‘where I have been’ to steady and keep me measured.  I have known love, loss, sadness, hope, excitement, disappointment, friendship, adventurous experiences, and most of all happiness.  My happiness stems from individual moments that have touched my heart and filled my soul. I have so much  I can still share and give to others and these moments fill my heart with joy.

By the way how is your journey going?     ###        

Published by Joyce Knock

Retired educator & sometimes tired "newbie author", community volunteer, duplicate bridge & tennis player, grandmother, flower gardener, wife, mother, "amateur poet", friend and a "recovering griever!"

3 thoughts on “How is our journey going?

  1. Sometimes I feel like I am “getting too set in my ways”. It is in those times I remember that I am here to serve my God. I must consistently ask what I have left to give and in what way God would like for me to go about serving him. In looking for his will I get the answer.

    I am nearing the fifth decade of my life. I keep remembering that the first 3-4 decades are times that I don’t want to repeat. The only way I can move towards becoming the person God meant for me to be is in service to Jesus. In this way I give back. Trying to make a difference in other’s lives has become my goal. I can only share my own experience and hope that others are willing to share their experience. It is uniquely personal to all of us.


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